Mac, DOB 09/27/00, BCLP
Meet the joy of our lives! Mac used a nasoalveolar molding device (NAM), which brought his gums into alignment and stretched tissue for his nose. His lip, nose & gum repair was in February, 2001 and his palate was closed in October, 2001. We think it looks great -- and that smile could kill ya!
Morgan Lea, DOB 02/21/02, Complete UCLP
Morgan was born a month early and weighed 8 lb 8 oz.! Her first surgery, the lip and nose repair, was done on May 20, 2002 one day before she turned three months old! This photo was taken July 6, 2002, and shows how wonderfully she has been doing! She is a little angel, loves to smile, is happy and content, and a blessing to everyone!
Matthew Ryan Petersdorf, DOB 04/21/01, UCLP
We were aware at the 24th week ultrasound that Matthew was going to have a cleft. He was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate and his lip was repaired at four months. Matthew's palate was unsuccessfully repaired at 9 months, and then completed at 16 months. Matthew loves everything.
Myria Angelina Jimenez, DOB 05/09/02, BCP
Myria lives in Texas with her mommy and daddy. We are awaiting her palate
repair, due to happen some time this spring. Myria loves fashion, hats,
music, and putting everything in her mouth! We love our silly little goose!
Marissa, DOB 12/09/00, UCL&BCP
Marissa had her lip repaired and tubes placed at 8-1/2 weeks and her palate repaired at 8-1/2 months. She was recently fitted with an obturator to aid in her speech. She loves reading books, coloring and playing with her little brother Dallin (BCL).
Marcy, DOB 06/15/03, BCLP
Marcy Kathleen and her twin sister were born at 12:08 am on June 15, 2003, Father's Day!. Marcy was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate; however, her sister was not affected. Marcy's cleft is genetic but we don't care. We love her just the way she is! Her surgery is schedualed for the end of September or beginning of October 2003.
Mishelle Ariel, DOB 07/18/03, Incomplete UCL
Mishelle was born in July 2003 with an incomplete unilateral cleft lip. We
are working with Dr. Cutting and the NYU craniofacial team. Mishelle had her nasoalveolar molding device (NAM) inserted July 30th and had her lip repaired Fall of 2003.
Madison, DOB 07/17/03, BCLP
Madison was born July 17, 2003 in Davenport, IA. Her bilateral cleft lip and palate was a surprise. She was in the NICU for two weeks before she got to come home with mommy. Her first lip repair was done on December 10, 2003 and her palate repair was in August 2004. She has an older sister and an older brother; neither have clefts. She has a new baby brother, Dawson, who is also in the photo gallery!
Matthew, DOB 05/31/02 UCL and Alveolar Ridge
We didn't know Matthew had a cleft before he was born. He had surgery at three months of age at the UC Davis Hospital in Sacramento, California. Matthew has an older brother Jacob who doesn't have a cleft. He has two
dogs, Ashley and Misty. He enjoys playing with his trains and pushing his walker around the house.
Megan, DOB 01/18/00, UCL & Alveolar Ridge
Megan's cleft was detected at my 5 month ultrasound. She had her lip repaired at 10 weeks at MCV in Richmond, VA. She'll have the bottom of her nose realigned in the Spring of 2005 and 1-3 years after that, she'll have her bone graft and orthodontia started. She's a bundle of energy who loves climbing, Spongebob and playing with big sister Keara. She's also looking forward to starting pre-school this August!
Mikyla (aka Mickey), DOB 12/11/03, UCL and Alveolar Ridge
Mickey was born December 11, 2003 with a unilateral cleft lip and cleft alveolar ridge. She had her lip repaired on April 5, 2004 by Dr. L. Ross in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is loved by her parents, Jason and Kelly, and big sister Holly, age three.
Miranda Jane, DOB 04/09/04, Incomplete BCL/Midline CP and Alveolar Ridge
Miranda was born April 9, 2004, 3 - 5 weeks early. She did okay for about 24 hours then had to be admitted to NICU for 14 days. She is the youngest of seven children and our only child with a cleft. She is an excellent baby and has a beautiful smile. We are truly blessed to have her in our lives. She will have her lip repaired July 26, 2004.
Michael "Hunter" Sayler, DOB 4/11/04, UCLP
Hunter was born at home (with a midwife assisting) on Easter Sunday! He was born with a UCLP on the right side. His cleft came as a surprise to us, as I had not had an ultrasound. Hunter's lip was repaired in July 2004. It's hard for us to imagine that our little guy could get any more handsome, but the doctors tell me it's possible :). He is adored by Mommy, Daddy, and big sister, Katie Joy (27 months).

Mustafa, EDD 11/12/04, UCL (Predicted from Ultrasound) Write to Lama, ND Mustafa, our first child, was diagnosed with a UCL in utero at 21 weeks. I am 27 weeks pregnant now. My first cousin was born with a UCL fifty years ago; he is now a general surgeon. In the beginning, it was very painful to know that my child will have a cleft, but we are so excited about having our baby! Please keep Mustafa in your prayers, as we will also pray that God will give us all the strength and power to make the best decisions for our children.
Morgan Wright Goins, DOB 04/30/03, UCLP
Morgan has had 4 surgeries: lip repair/ear tubes; soft-palate repair; hard-palate repair and lip revision; and fistula repair/tear-duct stints. We didn't know about the cleft until her birth. I'm interested in starting a support group in the Winston-Salem, NC area. Please e-mail me if you are interested.
Michael, DOB 5/25/04, UCLP
Michael was adopted when he was a week old. He is cuurently under the care of
Dr. Brecht & Dr. Cutting at NYU Medical Center. His NAM was put in when he was six weeks old. His first surgery is scheduled for November 2004.
Mitchell, DOB 09/21/99, BCLP
Mitchell's cleft was quite a shock to me, especially as a single parent. It was not caught on ultrasound and I don't know anything about my natural parents. Mitchell is now five, 45" tall, and 57 lbs. No feeding problems here!! His teachers say he's doing very well, shocking everyone with his special talent in learning and speaking Spanish. (Sometimes, his Spanish is even easier to understand than his English!!)
Michael DOB 7/19/2004 UCLP
Michael was born with a UCLP; we found out through ultrasound. He had his lip repaired 11/10/2004, and did absolutely wonderful. His palate surgery is scheduled for February 22, 2005. Michael is our first and only child; he is a great joy and can easily win over anyone's heart. The first picture is Michael four days post-op. The second picture is Michael at one month post-op.
Mackenzie Autumn Casey, DOB 12/16/04, UCLP
Kenzie is almost four months old now and has just had her first surgery. The "after picture" was taken less than a week post-op. She is a very happy and silly baby and handled the operation and pain afterward extremely well. Her palate will be repaired at 10 months. We are so pleased with how wonderful her lip looks. We are more than happy to answer any questions or just offer some support to others.
Mackenzie Catherine, DOB 01/11/05, UCL
Kenzie was born with an incomplete unilateral cleft lip. She had her repair surgery on May 2, 2005 and came through with flying colors! The post-operative picture is less than 24 hours post-operative and she is a happy little girl again! She has Care Bear "No-No's" on and loves to try to eat them!
Mason, DOB 07/14/03, BCLP
Mason was born with bilateral cleft lip and palate. He sees a craniofacial team at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, IN. Mason has been through five surgeries, including lip repair, palate repair, ear tubes, bone grafting, and a hernia surgery due to straining himself during palate surgery. Mason is a typical two-year-old who loves playing with cars, trucks and airplanes.
Makenna Grace, DOB 08/10/05, BCL
Makenna Grace was born on Aug. 10, 2005 with an incomplete bilateral cleft lip. We were not told in advance about her cleft. She is seeing doctors at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, TN. She is the happiest, most beautiful little girl and has stolen her mommy and daddy's heart. She is four months old now but has not yet had her surgery. She is 11 days old in the picture.
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This cleftAdvocate page was last updated March 25, 2014
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Malia, DOB 05/22/06, UCL/BCP
Our beautiful Malia was born on May 22, 2006 in Fort Worth, TX with a complete cleft lip and bilateral palate. Despite some feeding issues in the beginning, she is doing great and growing like a weed. Her first surgery is scheduled for Aug 23rd.
All entries are alphabetized by first name. Click around and enjoy!
All photos and text © by the individual families. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
Matthew, DOB 11/09/04, CP, Pierre Robin Sequence, Sticklers
Matthew's cleft was a complete surprise to us, I knew nothing about it until two hours after he was born. He had his palate repaired in Nov. 2005. We are so pleased with the repair. He had surgery to correct strabismus (cross-eyed) in both eyes in May 2006, and things started to fall in to place right after that. He has been in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy, since March of 2006 and is improving nicely.
Maggi, Craniosynostosis, DOB 04/18/05, Trisomy 9 Mosaic Syndrome
Maggi underwent a cranioplasty for Craniosynostosis at 4 months of age to correct right coronal craniosynostosis. She was diagnosed at 13 months with Trisomy 9 Mosaic Syndrome. She is now 27 months old and is starting to sit up!