CarePages bring friends and family close when you need them the most.
And now, cleftAdvocate and CarePages have partnered to bring this FREE service to you!
CarePages are private personalized web pages provided to you as a free service by cleftAdvocate, a program of AboutFace USA...your premier cleft/craniofacial support organization!
This project is available to ALL our friends and associates!
CarePages help you:
• receive support from friends and family. Visitors to your CarePage send you messages of encouragement, giving hope and strength even in the most difficult situations.
• update friends and family at the same time without repeated phone calls and e-mails. Your CarePage keeps everyone in the loop, so you spend less time on the phone and at the computer. You can even post a link to your CarePage at cleftAdvocate's Family-to-Family Connection and your other cleft/craniofacial-related listservs to keep your friends at the Pathfinder Outreach Network up-to-date!
• control the flow of information. You share news at a time that’s right for you. Friends and family call less often since they’re automatically e-mailed when you post a new update.
• post photos documenting progress and milestones.
• keep in touch before, during, and after hospitalization. CarePages don’t have an expiration date. Your CarePage works for you as long as you want it to.
CarePages are private and fully secure. CarePages are password protected and comply with all patient privacy regulations.
Special thanks to the CarePages staff for their generosity
and tireless efforts in bringing this project to fruition!
© cleftAdvocate
All Rights Reserved
This cleftAdvocate page was last updated 3/25/2014
We subscribe to the HONcode principles of The Health On Net Foundation
March 28, 2007
CarePages Announces Partnership with cleftAdvocate to Give Donations
Chicago, IL - AboutFace USA Executive Director Debbie Oliver announced today that for the next three months, CarePages will donate $10 to cleftAdvocate for every active CarePage created through the specially-designed cleftAdvocate CarePage website in support of the organization's continued national outreach efforts.
"cleftAdvocate is the leader in cleft/craniofacial networking and support in the United States," said Oliver. "It makes good sense to work with CarePages to offer free websites to our families." She noted that the organization has been working with CarePages for almost a year, making free, private, personalized web pages available to patients and families to help them stay in touch while dealing with healthcare issues.
Jamie Breidenstein, Implementation Specialist for TLContact, Inc., the parent company of CarePages, is excited about working with Oliver on the project. "The service allows you control over communication and provides an easy way for friends and loved ones to respond with messages of support. You can share photos, contact information, visiting hours and relay information when the time is right for you."
The pair noted that it's a convenient way for parents to update family and friends on their child's healthcare, especially during long hospital stays.
"We'd like to thank the CarePages staff for their dedication to our cause," said Oliver. "We look forward to a long and successful relationship with the company."
Learn more about the program...
Breaking News - August 31, 2007
We're building a CarePages Directory of cleftAdvocate members - click here!
CarePages Sweetens the Pot - Now Donating $25 for New cleftAdvocate CarePages Through End of 2007!
The cleftAdvocate program of AboutFace USA received in August a check for $220 from CarePages, a result of the partnership announced in March between the two entities. "We want to thank CarePages for their interest in our organization and programs," said AboutFace USA Executive Director Debbie Oliver.
Jamie Breidenstein, Implementation Specialist for TLContact, Inc. (the parent company of CarePages) announced today that for the remainder of 2007, CarePages will increase their donation to the organization from $10 to $25 for every new active CarePage created through the specially-designed cleftAdvocate CarePage website. An active CarePage has three or more members in addition to the CarePage Manager, or a member with three or more visits.
As a bonus, the organization generating the most new active CarePages between September 1 and December 31, 2007 will earn an additional $5,000 donation for their organization.
"I think we can do it," said Oliver, noting the incredible traffic cleftAdvocate CarePages have created so far this year. She reminded organization members that they should use the unique cleftAdvocate CarePage website to help during this campaign.
"It's wonderful that something so useful to our families can benefit the programs of the organization, as well."